
Consultancy Call

26 August 2024

Unearthodox is seeking consultants to provide the following services. We encourage you to submit your proposals swiftly.

Request for Proposals: Market Research on traditional and non-traditional incubators & accelerators

Application closing date: 3 September 2024

We are seeking a consultancy to conduct a 6-month comprehensive market research on both traditional and non-traditional incubators & accelerators. This research will inform the design of an innovative programme aimed at supporting bold innovators that seek deep systemic change for a regenerative life on Earth.

The ideal consultancy will provide guidance in the design of the programme by mapping out alternative incubator models that are bold, dynamic and steer away from capitalist models (that don’t focus on financial profitability but emphasise social impact, sustainability, and regenerative practices). The work will also include identifying gaps in the support needed by innovators and understanding the different roles traditional and non-traditional incubators,  accelerators and amplifiers can play in supporting social innovation for change is also an important part of the assignment.

Date/Length of Consultancy: The contract will run from Sept 2024 to Feb 2025.

Location: Consultants can be based in any location.

Terms of Reference: Download the full terms of reference.

Expressions of Interest: To apply, submit your proposal here.

Request for Proposals: Project Management Support

Application closing date: 3 September 2024

Unearthodox is commissioning a project management consultant to support the design and establishment of a new innovation programme, the ‘Exploration Co-Lab’. The consultant will primarily provide services as follows:

  1. Programme Design: The consultant will support the planning and facilitation of workshops, assist in preparing necessary materials, and coordinate relationship management with key stakeholders involved in the programme.
  2. Cohort Establishment: The consultant will assist in the establishment of the inaugural cohort of innovators, support baseline assessments, coordinate collaborative sessions, manage relationships with cohort members, and provide MEL support to track progress and outcomes.
  3. Programme Execution and Monitoring: The consultant will facilitate smooth and effective interconnectedness between information and learnings, support the integration of insights into the programme design, and assist in monitoring and reporting on the implementation to ensure alignment with objectives.

Date/Length of Consultancy: The contract will run from 9 September 2024 to 31 January 2025.

Location: Consultants can be based in any location subject to the local time in that location being no more than 4 hours difference (plus or minus) from Central European Time.

Terms of Reference: Download the full terms of reference.

Expressions of Interest: To apply, submit your proposal here.

Consultancy for Research on Stakeholder Perceptions

Application closing date: 6 September 2024

Unearthodox is seeking a provider to research stakeholder perceptions of Unearthodox. We encourage you to submit your proposal swiftly.

Research on Stakeholder Perceptions

We are seeking a provider to research stakeholder perceptions of Unearthodox. This research aims to thoroughly understand how stakeholders perceive our organisation’s performance and positioning, particularly in relation to key themes such as regeneration, innovation, systems change and diversity. The research will also involve desktop research and targeted stakeholder interviews on specific markets and topics relevant to Unearthodox’s funding goals. This will provide valuable insights to inform our Fundraising and Partnership strategy. 

We are looking for a provider who has experience with stakeholder engagement in the non-profit sector, knowledge of social innovation and biodiversity conservation, expertise in project management and quantitative and qualitative research, and strong analytical and communication skills. 

Deadline: Friday, 6 September 2024 at 23h59 CEST.

Date/Length of Consultancy: The contract will run from 1 October to 19 December 2024.

Location: The provider can be based in any location subject to the local time in that location being no more than 4 hours difference (plus or minus) from Central European Time.

Terms of Reference: Download the ‘Call for Research on Stakeholder Perceptions’ document.

Expressions of Interest: Applicants should submit a proposal based on the 'Call for Research on Stakeholder Perceptions' document and may include a cover letter, a resume and any other information they find important such as work samples. Only PDFs will be accepted. For further information, please reach out to us at

Submit your proposal here.

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at
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