
Visioning Regenerative Futures: Unearthodox annual report 2023

Kaʻōhua Lucas, Kaʻōhua Photography
16 September 2024

Unearthodox is proud to present our Annual Report 2023, which celebrates our first year in operation since the transition from the Luc Hoffmann Institute.

"This report shares the highlights of the last year, and there were many! 2023 was also a year of challenges and super-human efforts from all involved, including our innovators and networks. The goodwill needed to launch this organisation has been a source of real energy and inspiration." Melanie Ryan, CEO of Unearthodox

In this annual report, we reflect on the journey of becoming Unearthodox and introduce our new Board. We highlight the achievements of the last year as we brought to a close the Future of Conservation NGOs, the Future of Philanthropy for Biodiversity, and Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation. We also share the vision for our new programme for 2024-2026, Regenerative Futures.

"At Unearthodox, our team works with passion and dedication to ask hard questions and create a fertile ground for new solutions, striving to make socio-environmental innovation more accessible and equitable for all.” Anca Damerell, Director of Innovation

Milestones over the last year include an incubation and co-learning programme for the nine global winners of the Future of Conservation NGOs innovation challenge, publishing our Digital Disruption for Conservation Toolkit and publishing the Future of Philanthropy collaborative inquiry, ‘Perspectives and pathways’. The year culminated in the Resource Library for the Future of Conservation and the Unearthodox Learning Festival, which brought together 186 individuals of 43 different nationalities over five participatory webinars.

Grounded in the legacy of the Luc Hoffmann Institute, Unearthodox works with innovators, investors and organisations to find and support untapped resources and solutions for nature and communities. Our vision is a world with diverse and equitable societies that value and actively regenerate nature. 

As we explore ways for moving from the status quo of sustainability to truly regenerative futures, we invite you to join us on this journey!

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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 Unearthodox. All Rights Reserved.
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