Unearthodox is excited to announce the winners of the Voices of Regeneration call for creative submissions! This global call garnered 340 submissions from 57 countries, representing 73 nationalities.
The call attracted a diverse mix of creative expressions, with 212 artworks and 128 written pieces submitted.
The submissions received weave a kaleidoscope of expressions and insights, embracing a plurality of perspectives. They encourage us to both remember and reimagine. Remembering, as we reconnect with our innate wisdom, and reimagining, as we challenge dominant thoughts and beliefs, all in pursuit of a more just and regenerative future.
Submissions spanned a variety of formats, from visual art and video to poetry and speculative fiction, narrating personal experiences, and exploring the deep interconnection between all living things.
Explore the Awarded Entries to discover these inspiring works and learn more about the talented artists and writers who are shaping the conversations of tomorrow.
Voices of Regeneration was open from 2 July to 6 August 2024 to individuals from any sector or background aged 18 years or older. Entries were accepted in English or the original language(s) accompanied by a translation in English without limitations on language proficiency.
Participants were invited to submit their work in two categories:
Category 1: Writing – The call welcomed a range of submissions including essays, narrative journalism, experimental non-fiction, speculative fiction, poetry, lyric essays and personal essays.
Category 2: Artwork – The call welcomed submissions of visual art, photo essays, videos, auditory pieces or multimedia artwork suitable for digital display. Accepted formats included illustration, photography, video, sculpture, paintings, collages, and music or sound.
Each entry addressed key prompts such as: What does regeneration mean to you? What does it look, feel, and sound like for all life to flourish together? These ideas guided the incredible variety of work we received.