Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation

The Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation project aimed to enhance the mindful exploration of disruptive digital technologies by the conservation sector to empower innovators to create more equitable and effective conservation approaches.


The Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation initiative bridged the gap between the conservation sector and the rapidly developing digital sphere, with a focus on the transformative potential of Web 3.0 and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, and new digital communities. 

The initiative began its ideation phase in October 2021, after the appetite of conservationists to engage with blockchain and ‘digital natives’ was revealed during the Luc Hoffmann Institute’s Gamifying Nature Conservation project. It was observed that the conservation sector lacked the knowledge, resources and networks necessary to enable effective decision-making in the digital sphere. Simultaneously, existing donor audiences were exhibiting resistance to blockchain applications which caused hesitance in NGOs to investigate and better navigate the potentially transformative technology.

By collectively exploring the current and potential impact of digitally disruptive tools on the conservation sector's existing systemic issues, this initiative aspired to empower conservationists to make effective and inclusive choices, ensure the ongoing relevance of conservation NGOs, and provide the know-how to direct digital advancements for positive conservation impact.

Milestones and achievements

In July 2023, we launched the second version of the Digital Disruption for Conservation Toolkit, which is designed to provide conservation practitioners with an introduction to Web 3.0 and AI concepts and their potential use for nature conservation. The toolkit clarifies the terms, opportunities and challenges associated with blockchain and AI technologies to give nature practitioners an understanding of their potential and risks for conservation.

Digital Disruption for Conservation Toolkit

Over the last year, the Digital Disruption and the Future of Conservation project also supported organisations including WWF Netherlands, The Wildlife Trusts, WCS Indonesia and Mandai Nature with their digital transformation and disruption journeys by facilitating a series of capacity-building workshops and presentations. During the Unearthodox Learning Festival, the project built on the reflections from these and other forward-thinking conservation organisations by hosting two conversations, one on ‘Leveraging new digital technologies for conservation impact’ and another on ‘Practical digital strategies for conservationists’. 

All the outputs from the project's fascinating journey into the digital disruption for conservation space can be found in the project resource library.

"It has been an incredible experience collaborating with a team that seamlessly combines out-of-the-box thinking with a cross-sector, multidisciplinary approach. Their dynamic fusion of innovative solutions and willingness to challenge our norms transcends traditional boundaries, empowering conservationists to expand and maximise their impact. The team fosters a vibrant space of ideation and collaboration. Their collective work stands at the forefront of cutting-edge practices, driven by passionate and dynamic individuals. Working alongside them has been an inspiring journey, and their commitment to excellence makes them truly great collaborators."
Louisa Richmond-Coggan, External Innovator
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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