
Putting the pieces together – holistic knowledge for sustainability

Michael Hall / Getty Images
11 September 2017

More than 20 years’ experience shows the value of collaboration and the fair distribution of authority in managing interlinked social and ecological systems.

Building on this, the scientific community is increasingly turning to ‘knowledge co-production’ – research that engages those responsible for, or who have a stake in a challenge, in generating knowledge to support decision-making.

Despite growing calls for knowledge co-production, theory and practice are still fragmented across sectors and disciplines. An upcoming workshop being held by the Luc Hoffmann Institute will help identify the capacities and principles needed for effective co-production that contributes to sustainable development outcomes.

The workshop ‘A closer look at co-production: What works, when, where and how?’ taking place 11-12 November follows the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society PECS-II conference in Mexico. We will bring together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to look at case studies to understand the conditions under which various initiatives have led to proven outcomes for society.

PECS aims to integrate research on the stewardship of socio-ecological systems, the services they generate, and the relationships between natural capital, human well-being, livelihoods, inequality and poverty. PECS II will focus on the contributions that place-based transdisciplinary research make to global sustainability efforts.

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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