• Unearthodox exists to address the deep-rooted causes of seemingly impossible nature-society challenges.

    We use co-creation, systems and futures thinking to drive bold transformation for equitable and regenerative futures.
  • Reimagine:

    We work co-creatively to reimagine futures where equitable societies actively regenerate nature.

    Bringing together different voices, experiences and world views allows us to surface knowledge and take action collectively.
  • Connect:

    We connect diverse communities and networks to enable new collaborations and support for regenerative futures.

    By fostering unexpected connections, we bridge the gap between visionary ideas and actionable solutions.
  • Innovate:

    We make space for social innovations that expand pathways towards transformative change for nature and people.

    We believe that ecosystems of innovation have the power to spark real change for good because we have seen it work.
  • Voices of Regeneration

    The Voices of Regeneration initiative called for creative entries that dream of a more just, equitable and inclusive world where nature, including people, thrives together. The intention was to join us in creating a regenerative tapestry that embraces multiple, diverse worldviews that look beyond sustainability towards regeneration.
    Find out more

Our vision is a world with diverse and equitable societies that value and actively regenerate nature.

Unearthodox connects systems change and social innovation to address complex environmental issues and regenerate nature. We co-create with innovators, investors and organisations to find and support untapped resources and solutions for nature and people to thrive together. We believe in looking beyond immediate fixes or short-term solutions, but rather act collectively with others now for longer-term transformation – from the way systems work today to the way we hope they could work in the future.





What do we do?

At Unearthodox, we help people see what might have been overlooked, understand root problems and bring people from new visions of the future, through ideas, to action. We make the space and provide the support to help people move through hard conversations about systems change for nature and society. We work together with others to reimagine the future and then support innovators to build out pipelines of action that make it real.
nature-society challenges
Increasing space
for societal 
View our theory of change

Regenerative Futures

The concept of ‘regeneration’ and its understanding have different origins all around the world; with different framings and histories. In a world that is looking for something beyond the promise of sustainability, we are exploring the roots and the expressions of the concept of regeneration to better understand its potential and limitations in evolving our journey towards societies that value and actively regenerate nature. 

Our objective is to uncover places in our systems where innovation might serve deeper transformative change, unlock potential new pathways for living differently together in ways that are increasingly more equitable and inclusive; ensuring that people do well, nature does well and our futures look brighter.

In its earliest stages, our approach to this new theme has been informed by the insights we gained from our previous work on the Future of Conservation, which highlighted the need to move beyond sustainability towards regeneration as a set of practices actively enhancing the resilience and vitality of our social and environmental systems.


What we believe

Together we can co-create 
meaningful change.
We believe a collaborative and inclusive search for diverse and equitable pathways towards change will lead to new futures with regenerative societies. By applying methods from systems and futures thinking, and bringing together a diverse mix of people to co-create, we can better understand the root causes of long-standing nature conservation challenges. Together, we will then be able to unearth potential solutions that enable people and nature to flourish.

Socio-environmental innovation could be a level playing field.
Equity, diversity and inclusion are fundamental to the regeneration of nature. Entrenched power structures are already being challenged and reformed across many areas of society.
A diverse mix of social and environmental actors working together can effectively co-define what is needed to regenerate nature, leading to wider buy-in and collective uptake of new ideas, alternative models and changed behaviours.
There is abundant energy, talent and curiosity to rethink pathways to societal change.
Passionate people around the world are already working on crucial nature–society challenges, but many socio-environmental innovators are disconnected from each other and lack the supporting space and resources to imagine inspiring new futures together. Until now, much conservation work has been siloed from other sectors, but with funding, space and support, these innovators can grow their ideas.

Reflection and reframing can lead to more effective ideas.
Deep reflection and reframing can help socio-environmental innovators to position their efforts beyond short-term changes and quick fixes, to long-term social shifts. Together, we can recognise and give the energy to expanding mindsets beyond ‘crisis understanding’. With trust, diverse groups are able to explore commonalities and differences, finding untapped potential in new systems and ideas, as well as refreshing existing ones.
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  • "Congratulations to Unearthodox for living up to its name and going beyond the use of convenient jargon. Language is about seeing, and how we see the world will dictate its future. Your collaborative work, going to the very core of how to care and nurture, is the key to our future."
    Paul Hawken, Environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author of Regeneration and Drawdown

  • "A deep and inclusive pathway of transition to regeneration as an ethos is so critical today, and it is reassuring that Unearthodox is leading the way in ensuring that the knowledge body is holistic and meaningful."
    Nisha Mary Poulose, Bioregional Planner - Regenerative Transitions, Founder - Woven Design Collaborative

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 Unearthodox. All Rights Reserved.
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