We have made every endeavour to create a website that is accessible to as many users as possible. This website has been designed for legible colour contrast, screen reader accessibility and optimum loading times for users with slow internet speeds.
Our web hosting is through Hetzner, which uses energy from renewable sources to power the servers in its data centres.
You may have noticed that our website is rather dark. We chose to use a dark theme for environmental reasons: it saves energy. In recent years, organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays have become the leading smartphone display technology and are soon to become standard on computer screens.
Instead of having a single backlight, OLED emits light through a tiny lightbulb for each pixel. Each one lights up only when needed. This means that dark colours use less energy and reduce carbon emissions because less of the screen is illuminated at any one time.
OLED technology is still developing and not all devices use it, so our darkened pages may not save energy on older screens. But more and more devices already use OLED, and we know that every little bit helps. We support the early adoption of such eco-technologies to further innovation and create regenerative societies. Read more about dark design.