
Launching a refreshed website to attract further innovation for life on Earth

Florence / AdobeStock
22 May 2020

The Luc Hoffmann Institute is pleased to announce that it has launched its refreshed website, replacing the previous version that had been in place for several years. The institute team had been working for months to get it ready and were fortunate that all the effort that had gone into it previously allowed the institute to launch the site even in the midst of COVID-19. 

"The new website makes it simple for our visitors to find the information they need quickly and easily, and we have included key information on major projects in a visually-appealing timeline form, so people can stay up to date on what the institute is doing in the way of driving innovation in societal change for life on Earth,” says Luc Hoffmann Institute director Jon Hutton. 

The website has new features that will allow the institute to source innovative ideas for nature conservation from diverse audiences across the globe and includes additional opportunities for visitors to get involved or provide feedback - which is vital for ongoing innovation. The institute has also built in other features to include more engaging content - such as video - and has search-engine-optimised the site to help innovators, investors, and collaborators find content more easily. 

Here are some pages visitors might enjoy exploring first:

Even before the new website went live, the Luc Hoffmann Institute website was receiving a steady stream of visitors (10,000 unique visitors per year) and the average session duration had risen 20% since last year. While it is too early to gather comparative figures, the institute hopes that the new, refreshed website will provide an even better experience for visitors and keep them engaged for a longer duration with our content and our opportunities to take part in innovation and transformative change to maintain biodiversity.

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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