
Scaling up Conservation Innovation

dmitry_dmg / AdobeStock
9 March 2022

How can we support accelerator ecosystems to maximise the scaling up of successful innovations? How can accelerators work together more efficiently and effectively to deliver better conservation outcomes?

These are some of the questions that the 'Scaling up Conservation Innovation' research project is aiming to address while understanding how accelerators can contribute to scaling up conservation innovations and ultimately enabling changes in the innovation ecosystem. 

The research project has three main objectives:

1.  To map the conservation innovation ecosystem.

To identify the main organisations, networks and institutions supporting innovation in conservation.

2.  To identify and examine what elements of the innovation lifecycle enable successful accelerations. 

What do conservation innovators need, in terms of knowledge, networks and financial resources to enable successful accelerations?

3. To investigate and address the competence gap in the wider conservation innovation ecosystem.

What does an innovation ecosystem need to be successful? How should innovation organisations and innovators work together to increase their impact?   

Through this new initiative, the Luc Hoffmann Institute would like to bring together the knowledge and experience of different incubators and accelerators supporting innovations in the fields of conservation, climate change, sustainability and facilitate new learnings from different experiences.

To this end in Spring 2022, the institute will host and facilitate a workshop that will give participants the opportunity to unveil the potential of incubators and accelerators in the conservation innovation ecosystem, explore partnerships, synergies, complementarities, and address inefficiencies. 

At the end of this initial research phase, The Luc Hoffmann Institute will assess what are the most impactful pathways to take this initiative further.

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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