Shaping the Future of Giving

During this session, we collectively explored how philanthropy impacts biodiversity and how it can rebalance its power structures to become more inclusive and generate better outcomes for nature and people.

We also shared our recently published collaborative inquiry The Future of Philanthropy and Biodiversity: perspectives and pathways which surfaces key questions and perspectives from a diversity of authors, and not only examines emerging models and paradigms regarding grantors and grantees, but also looks at areas where the sector should most urgently focus its self-reflection and transformation efforts.

Featured Innovators

 Jessica Sweidan | Co-founder, Synchronicity Earth.

Jessica is a philanthropist and a creative and natural connector. She is also a co-founder of Synchronicity Earth, a collaborative, research-driven conservation organisation.

Nonette Royo | Executive Director, The Tenure Facility

Nonette is a lawyer, activist, and author. She is the first executive director of The Tenure Facility, an organisation focused on securing land and forest rights for Indigenous peoples and local communities.

Shelley Shreffler | Programme Officer Environment at Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Shelley is a Program Officer for Environment projects at Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, a large US-based philanthropy organisation.

Virtual Visual Notes

Get a feel for the event through this visual recording, illustrated live during the session.

To find out more about the Future of Philanthropy for Biodiversity project, visit our Resource Library, which brings together the wisdom and insights shared by thought leaders and experts on philanthropy, biodiversity and the future of the planet.

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at  info@unearthodox.org
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Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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