Tag: Corruption

November 30, 2021
From 26 to 28 October, the Luc Hoffmann Institute held the ‘Exploring Responses to Corruption in Natural Resource Management and Conservation Practice’ virtual symposium.
October 21, 2021
An interview on anti-corruption in Colombian conservation with Isis Alvarez and Natalia Muñoz Cassolis.
August 11, 2021
A thought piece by Elizabeth Hart on how anti-corruption and conservation leaders can learn from each other.
June 3, 2021
Aspiration: By the end of 2021, participants commit to taking forward the symposium findings, insights and recommendations to influence the strategy and implementation of innovative anti-corruption measures in conservation and natural resource management.
  • Power and Legacy
  • Interdependence and Inclusivity
  • Communication and Narratives
  • Operational and Funding Models
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