Welcome to Unearthodox

Enabling unexpected pathways to rebalance and regenerate all life on Earth.

Unearthodox fosters social innovation to solve complex environmental issues and regenerate nature. Where some only see insurmountable problems, we see untapped resources and solutions. 

Launched in March 2023, Unearthodox is a young, dynamic organisation (formerly known as the Luc Hoffmann Institute). Together with our funders and partners, we bring together people from many backgrounds and disciplines to reframe long-standing issues, uncover innovative solutions and support people with big ideas in their first steps towards creating transformative change.

Our Work
Explore a selection of our most recent projects and publications co-created with inspiring and diverse collaborators.
Books lying on green moss

Resource Library
for the Future
of Conservation

This resource library is a curated collection of dialogues, insights, ideas and experiences from Unearthodox's three featured projects.
Reflection of a bamboo forest in water


This festival brought together Unearthodox's three current projects to provide a holistic overview of possible futures for conservation practices.
Scenic Canyon Antelope, Arizona

The Future of Philanthropy
and Biodiversity:
perspectives and pathways

This exploration gathers diverse perspectives on key questions that get to the heart of how philanthropy impacts biodiversity.

Digital Disruption
for Conservation Toolkit

This Toolkit is designed to provide conservation practitioners with a basic introduction to blockchain concepts and their potential use for nature conservation.
Group of smiling children on autumnal leaves

Exploring Possible Futures
for Conservation NGOs

This report is intended to help kickstart a journey of reimagining how nature conservation is organised and approached.
Hands holding plant

Biodiversity Revisited
Background Reviews

The foundational background reviews of Biodiversity Revisited examined why the world has failed to stop biodiversity loss.
Systemic Investment for Nature & People
How do we go beyond simply doing no harm to imagining a new version of our investment and finance systems? Solving complex problems requires systemic solutions. Unlike traditional impact investment, which assumes transformation happens from single technologies or projects, systemic investment assumes that change occurs from multiple shifts simultaneously. It asks whose point of view matters, it cultivates buy-in and it allows investments to reach root problems rather than shallow symptoms.

We must look beyond an immediate fix and strategically invest in longer-term transformation – from the way systems work today to the way we hope they could work in the future.

Taking innovation deeper: The Craft of Systems Change

The Craft of Systems Change builds on the original concepts published in The Art of Systems Change and introduces a guiding framework called the ‘Systems Journey’. Co-authored by Melanie Ryan and edited by Megan Eaves, the book presents practical tools for engaging in change within the systems in which we live and work.

Read more
How We Work
Unearthodox is guided by the principles of systems change, futures thinking, collaboration and co-creation, which require diverse thinking, people and organisations to join together. We foster these unexpected connections through our strong global networks. Our role is to create a safe space where many different voices feel comfortable asking tough questions and reframing the issues using futures thinking and systems thinking techniques. We then connect new framings of root issues and new visions for futures with innovators and investors who create real alternatives for how society can work with nature.
Annual Reports
Our annual reports capture our journey, spirit and work from our former identity through our transformation into Unearthodox.
Innovate With Us

We need your unique perspective and support in helping to transform the world! There are several ways for you to get involved with Unearthodox, whether as a funder who wants to invest in systemic change, an innovator with a bold idea or a partnering organisation. We’re always looking for new, unexpected connections. Get in touch!

Want to get in touch?

Email the project team at  info@unearthodox.org
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 3A
Versoix CH-1290, Switzerland
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 Unearthodox. All Rights Reserved.
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